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Zobacz pełną wersję : Belfer

09.04.2013, 02:49
I thought it was time to post a wip here. :D This cover has turned out to be a challenge. Very limited resources.

09.04.2013, 08:25
I am very happy to see your WIP here:piwo:
Start promises an excellent cover, lots of detail this is what I like:piwo:
But I think that unnecessarily is so-flying books. On one side is enough :-)

09.04.2013, 10:37
Great start! I like this style, and a lot of details.

I think it would be better to add a shadow on the array of books

Shoe unless the right to be greater.

I propose to add more shadow and remove or lighten the poster here:


09.04.2013, 10:55
wowwww, super to wygląd na ten moment, ale kilka rzeczy musisz dopracować.
Myślę, że musisz popracować nad wielkością rzeczy na biurku.
Uważam, że globus jest zbyt mały w porównaniu do innych rzeczy. Może się mylę, ale powinien być większy.
Zastanawiam się jeszcze nad napisami na szkolnej tablicy. Może zamiast tekstu "The Substitue", powinien się znaleźć tekst "I'm sorry". Pamiętam, że w filmie
Juan Lacas musiał napisać na tablicy 100 razy słowo przepraszam.

Wowwww, it looks great at the moment, but a few things you need to work out.
I think that you need to work on the size of things on the desk.
In my opinion I think the globe is too small compared to the rest of the stuff. I may be wrong, but it should be larger.
I wonder if even the lettering on the school board. Maybe instead of the text "The Substitue", you should place the text "I'm sorry". I remember that in the movie
Juan Lacas have to write on the school board 100 times the word "I'm sorry".

Check this out:

Dodałbym na biurko wbity szpikulec do lodu.

I would add the desk stuck an ice pick.

11.04.2013, 01:23
Thanks everyone for all of the wonderful advice. :piwo:

I changed some of the elements on the desk. Also added shadows to the poster.

GAROT - did you mean to lighten the blood stain on the poster?

11.04.2013, 01:32
Sorry guys. I'm having technical difficulties with the preview. :redface:

11.04.2013, 11:06
Dla mnie jest o wiele lepiej.

For me is much better now.

Chyba dałbym więcej przestrzeni między nazwiskami TOM BEREGNER and ERNIE HUDSON.

I think I would give more space between the names of TOM BERENGER and ERNIE HUDSON.

Co myślisz o umieszczeniu szpikulca do lodu w taki sposób:

But what do you think about placing an ice pick like this:

18542 18543

Zastanawiam się czy lepiej by było jak by Tytuł był większy.

I wonder if it would be better as that title treatment was bigger.

11.04.2013, 11:59

I propose to add more shadow under the table, and add to the corners :)

13.04.2013, 20:42
Thanks guys. I appreciate the good advice and the picture examples. :piwo:

-Adjusted the ice pick
-Added some shadows to the poster on chalkboard
-Enlarged the TT
-Added extra space between the names of TOM BERENGER and ERNIE HUDSON

13.04.2013, 21:07
Worx for me momzy.

29.04.2013, 17:40
Special thanks to GAROT for all of his help with translations. :piwo:

Still working on the back and spine, but here is what I have so far. :D

29.04.2013, 17:49
DVD I am very pleased :piwo:

29.04.2013, 19:00
woww, very nice update, can't wait to see the full resolution. No suggestions from me at the moment mommzy, sorry

29.04.2013, 19:36
No problem, it was a pleasure for me :)

Great cover, I have no idea what to change, for me it's ok :)

Special thanks to GAROT for all of his help with translations. :piwo:

Still working on the back and spine, but here is what I have so far. :D

01.05.2013, 20:38
Thanks guys. Here's an update. :D

01.05.2013, 21:56
Awesome cover Wysmommy, just fantastic job, love it:piwo:

01.05.2013, 23:14
You need to improve the tagline on the front.

You have "Trzymający w napięci Thriller akcji"

A properly is a "Trzymający w napięciu Thriller akcji"

Awesome cover mom, I hope that you will do a matching label. :piwo:

01.05.2013, 23:18
Lots of details. I really like the cover. A lot of work, but what effect! :piwo:

01.05.2013, 23:44

02.05.2013, 00:19
Thank you. :piwo:

I fixed the spelling mistake. Yes, I would be happy to add a matching label. :D

02.05.2013, 08:59
Beautiful cover :-)
Topic is closed.

02.05.2013, 11:02
Amazing cover! I love this many details! Painting on table is great :D